Challenge 2013-09
Curriculum Challenge 2.3 Draw a face using ellipses. Animate the face to move on the screen. Make a collage picture using all of the shapes… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-09
Curriculum Challenge 2.3 Draw a face using ellipses. Animate the face to move on the screen. Make a collage picture using all of the shapes… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-09
Curriculum Challenge 2.2 Use the turtle to draw a 5 pointed star. Use the turtle to write your name. Basic Challenges Write a program to… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-08
Curriculum Challenge 2.1 Write a program that draws 5 randomly positioned and sized red rectangles on a blue background. Draw a picture of a car… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-07
Curriculum Challenge 1.5 Write a program that asks the user for 2 numbers and what calculation to perform (+, -, / or *), then uses… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-06
Curriculum Challenge 1.4 Write a program that loops through the first 100 numbers, 1, 2, 3 … 99, 100. It then Writes out to the… Leggi tutto »Challenge 2013-05