Curriculum Challenge 2.2
- Use the turtle to draw a 5 pointed star.
- Use the turtle to write your name.
Basic Challenges
- Write a program to count the words in a text file.
- Write a simple binary number converter between decimal and binary numbers (both ways).
- Write a simple code that takes an input and converts it to a code (numbers or text).
The program should also be a able to decode a message. - Write a program to draw a backgammon board.
- Write a program to calculate the sum of all whole numbers between 2 user input values.
Game Challenge
Write a DuckShoot game.
Interface Challenge
Write a fancy Game Opening screen for DuckShoot game – see above.
Maths Challenges
- Write a Lissajous figures program.
- Calculate and draw a histogram of the frequency of results for the sum of 5 random numbers between 1 and 100.
Perhaps 10000 values.
Community Suggestion 1
By Nonki
- Create a simple command prompt with dir (list directory) command and cd (change directory) command.
- Draw a picture of color cube which has 216 web safe colors.
Community Suggestion 2
By Jibba Jabba
- A calculator with some neat features.
Using either Control Buttons or an Array Table to set out the buttons. - A visually appealing stop watch with Start, Stop, Reset, Lap and memory to file.
An improved clone of Curriculum 4.1’s See Saw exercise.
A sample I did MPK879-0