Text Challenge 1
- Measure your type speed with unit words/sec.
- Make a list of subroutine names from given Small Basic source file.
- Make an indent program which coordinates indentation of given Small Basic source file.
Graphical Challenge 1
- Make pictures of four suits marks – club, diamond, heart and spade – of playing card.
- Use Shapes and make pictures of animals you like, e.g. a lion, an elephant, a penguin etc.
- Generate a maze.
- Solve the maze with Turtle.
Physics Challenge
- Draw a basketball free throw animation using user input of angle [degree] and speed [m/s] while a backetball has 600 [g] weight and 24 [cm] diameter.
- Draw fire works animation.
Hint : you may use same subroutine for those two.
Maths Challenge
Show graphical abacus with digital display and beads will be moved with mouse click.
Abacus have a 5-unit bead and four 1-unit beads for each rod.
Following picture shows zero. 5-unit bead is 0 when it is upper side. 1-unit bead is 0 when it is lower side.