Text Challenges
- Write a program reverse all the characters in a sentence (“hello world” -> “dlrow olleh”)
- Write a program to reverse the word order in a sentence (“hello world” -> “world hello”)
- Write a program to swap pairs of characters in a sentence (“hello world” -> “ehll oowlrd”)
- Write a program to capitalise every word in a sentence (“hello world” -> “Hello World”)
Maths Challenges
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the first 10 whole numbers (1+2+3+…+9+10)
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the first 10 even numbers (2+4+…+18+20)
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the first 10 odd numbers (1+3+…+17+19)
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the first 10 numbers that are a divisible by 3 (3+6+…+27+30)
- Write a program to calculate the sum of the first 10 numbers squared (1+4+…+81+100)
Graphics Challenges
- Draw a picture of your pet (or animal you would like to be your pet)
- Draw a picture with that animates from day to night, perhaps a moving sun and moon, maybe stars gradually appearing

Interface Challenge
- Write a GraphicsWIndow interface using the Controls and Shapes commands with events to get the user to enter 5 numbers and get the program to calculate their sum, average, minimum and maximum values when buttons for these are pressed
- Validate that all data is correctly entered (e.g. all data are numbers and present)
Game Challenge
- Write a simple platform game, where your player has to move from left to right and jump over an obstacle or gap
- Extend as far as you can to include other features like scrolling with player, duck below objects, jump to get coins, avoid enemies etc
Physics Challenge
- Write a program to simulate an internal combustion engine, valves openning, piston moving and turning a crank shaft