Graphics Challenges 1
For these challenges DON’T use the Shapes or Controls methods:
- Draw an ellipse with the turtle.
- Draw a filled ellispse with the turtle.
- Draw a button with mouse over that changes the button color, and mouse click events.
Graphics Challenges 2
Using any Small Basic methods:
- Make a textbox that copies the text typed in it to the GrapicsWindow and resets the textbox to be blank when Return is pressed.
- Draw a snail shell, starfish or anemone.
Text Challenge
- Use the TextWindow to input a number and say if it is odd or even.
- Use the TextWindow to input the user’s name and then hold a simple conservation, asking questions.
Try to use the user replies to adapt the consersation.
For eample:
What is you name?
Hello Fred, what is your favorite color?
I saw a red ballon today. Do you have any red clothes?
Physics challenge
Make a Newton’s cradle.