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Challenge 2018-11

Graphics Challeges

  • Draw a train
  • Draw a wizard
  • Draw a dragon

Animated Graphics Challenges

  • Flash a message at random intervals in the GraphicsWindow, say randomly between 5 and 20 second intervals.
  • Draw an animated (moving) ‘nodding donkey’ well.  There are plenty of YouTube videos of them working.

File Challenge

  • Write a program to log all key presses to a file, recording the time when they were pressed

Maths Challenges

  1. What is the smallest number which when divided by 28 leaves 8 as remainder and when divided by 32 leaves 12 as the remainder?
  2. What is the smallest four digit number which when divided by 16 and 18 leaves remainder 8 in each case?
  3. What is the smallest number which when divided by 12 and 18 leaves a remainder of 9?
  4. What is the smallest number that leaves 3 as remainder when divided by 18 and 24?
  5. What is the smallest number which when divided by 14 and 21 leaves no remainder?
  6. What is the smallest number which leaves 3 as a remainder when divided by 9, 12, 18, and 30?

Turtle Challenge

  • Load the image of a maze below into the GraphicsWindow, then get the turtle to navigate the maze.
maze = ""

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