Graphics Challeges
- Draw a train
- Draw a wizard
- Draw a dragon

Animated Graphics Challenges
- Flash a message at random intervals in the GraphicsWindow, say randomly between 5 and 20 second intervals.
- Draw an animated (moving) ‘nodding donkey’ well. There are plenty of YouTube videos of them working.
File Challenge
- Write a program to log all key presses to a file, recording the time when they were pressed
Maths Challenges
- What is the smallest number which when divided by 28 leaves 8 as remainder and when divided by 32 leaves 12 as the remainder?
- What is the smallest four digit number which when divided by 16 and 18 leaves remainder 8 in each case?
- What is the smallest number which when divided by 12 and 18 leaves a remainder of 9?
- What is the smallest number that leaves 3 as remainder when divided by 18 and 24?
- What is the smallest number which when divided by 14 and 21 leaves no remainder?
- What is the smallest number which leaves 3 as a remainder when divided by 9, 12, 18, and 30?

Turtle Challenge
- Load the image of a maze below into the GraphicsWindow, then get the turtle to navigate the maze.
maze = ""