Challenge 1
array[1] = "YouTube" array[2] = "Programming" array[3] = "You" array[4] = "Professional" array[5] = "Life"
Order this array in alphabetical order (A – Z) through algorithms.
Challenge 2
Get the index of a value in an array.
Graphics Challenge
Write a program to draw your favorite pictogram.
Game Challenge
Write a program to generate Sudoku puzzle.
Small challenge
Write 10-line (or less) elegant program!
Graphics Challenge
Draw a spider web picture.
Editor Challenge
Write a program to edit table. Input will be keyboard and mouse. Output will be markdown table text and the rendered table graphics.
Sample markdown:
|Table Heading 1|Table Heading 2| |---|---| |Row 1-Cell 1|Row 1-Cell 2| |Row 2-Cell 1|Row 2-Cell 2|
Sample graphics: