Quesiti del Forum ufficiale di Small Basic (Challenges)
Use the Small Basic Turtle to write your name (or anything else) on the screen.
Write a program that will turn and move the turtle according to the user’s input from the TextWindow
Get the Turtle to draw a Christmas tree or other festive shape (e.g. a star).
Write a program to place a randomly sized and positioned rectangle on the GraphicsWindow and then get the Turtle to draw round the rectangle’s perimeter.
Write a program to write the following figures in one stroke.
- Generate a maze.
- Solve the maze with Turtle.
- Write a program where the turtle tries to follow the mouse.
- For more of a challenge, don’t use the Turtle.MoveTo command!
- Use the turtle to draw a 5 pointed star.
- Use the turtle to write your name.
Write a short turtle program (10 lines or less) to draw interesting patterns.
Here is an example to get you started – try different mathematical combinations.
Turtle.Speed = 10 For i = 1 To 600 Turtle.Move(10) Turtle.Turn(i*11) EndFor
Write a maze game that is navigated by the turtle, using arrow keys.
Perhaps add a timer to see how quickly the player can navigate the maze.
The trickiest bit will be preventing the turtle cross maze boundaries – perhaps share suggestions for this bit.
Write a simple Logo interpreter which has following 6 commands:
- FORWARD n (to move the turtle n pixels)
- RIGHT n (to rotate the turtle right n degrees)
- LEFT n (to rotate the turtle left n degrees)
- PENUP (to lift the pen up)
- PENDOWN (to set the pen down)
- REPEAT n [commands] (to repeat commands n times)
Use the Turtle to follow your mouse.
Write program with buttons to move the Turtle in the GraphicsWindow.
Write a Turtle program to draw a triangle, square, pentagon and circle.
Write a Turtle program to move the turtle in a figure of 8
Create an arrow (or use Turtle) that always points towards the mouse as you move the mouse over the GraphicsWindow
Write a program to get the Turtle to draw equal sided shapes with a user entered number of sides (3 to 20).
Get the turtle to draw one or more of the following shapes:
- Square
- Circle
- Ellipse
- 5 pointed star
- Kite
- Rhombus
- Hexagon
- Equilateral tringle
Draw super colorful spiral using the Turtle.
Consider using color, line width, transparency and other methods to make the spiral a bright and interesting as possible.
Write a program where the turtle keeps moving towards the mouse position.
Load the image of a maze below into the GraphicsWindow, then get the turtle to navigate the maze.
Use the Turtle to draw a coloured ‘tartan’ checked pattern.
Use different pen widths and transparency and maybe the same repeating pattern vertically and horizontally using subroutines.
Flower Challenge
Draw a turtle image like a flower.