Contare le parole
Week 6: Text 1 Write a program that counts the number of words in a sentence that the user enters. E.g. We don’t need no education should… Leggi tutto »Contare le parole
Week 6: Text 1 Write a program that counts the number of words in a sentence that the user enters. E.g. We don’t need no education should… Leggi tutto »Contare le parole
Week 4: Text 1 Write a program to replace all occurrences of the word red with blue in the following sentence: The red car was going incredibly fast when… Leggi tutto »Rimpiazza red con blue
2012-05: Text Write a program to read in and spell-check a sentence of text from a user. Hint: Use the Dictionary method as a spell checker to… Leggi tutto »Controllo ortografia 2
Week 3: Text How many palindromic integer numbers less than 1000 are there? A palindromic number reads the same backwards as forwards, for example 131, 55 and 9. Hint: Use the… Leggi tutto »Numeri palindromi
La libreria Text fornisce operazioni utili per il trattamento dei testi (stringhe). Strumento Argomenti Risultato Descrizione Append() “testo” “testo” “testo” Restituisce il testo ottenuto dalla concatenazione dei… Leggi tutto »Text